Tag Archives: Mads Mikkelsen

Best TV shows watched in 2014

James Gandolfini

I continue what I started last week with a look at all of the television I watched in the past year. Obviously, I will not be talking about the occasional one or two episodes I saw from series I haven’t really followed. My reviews will be on full seasons of anything I managed to watch, whether new or old in the 12 months of 2014.

I also thought it would be good timing to share my thoughts on television right after the Golden Globes telecast which saw excellent newbies get the recognition they definitely deserved.

Continue reading Best TV shows watched in 2014

Month in review: December films

Due to the holidays and a substantially less demanding workload, I was able to watch more than my usual amount of films, reaching a total of 17 films in 31 days (I actually watched Movie 43 in December, but decided to include it in my previous monthly recap).

The average score for the last month of 2013 was a respectable 2.88. However, I only watched two films that cracked 4 out of 5 or more, with only Reservoir Dogs as a clear candidate to comfortably make my much-delayed Top 250 favorite film list. Worthy of notice is that December was also very 2013-heavy, with 12 films released in the last solar year, and only one film, the aforementioned Reservoir Dogs, that was released before the turn of the 21st century.

Here are the films in the order in which I watched them:

THE FACTORY (2012) [2.5/5]

The Factory

Continue reading Month in review: December films

Months in review: October & November films

In the last two months I’ve seen 26 films, but only a handful of which I would consider watching again. It was a particularly poor couple of months in terms of quality and quantity that I will hopefully begin to fix with the swarm of great films that have come out to theaters or that will be coming before the year is out. I can’t remember the last time I was as excited as I am today with the group of films that are hitting theaters within the next few weeks.

For now, here is a recap of the 26 films I managed to watch between October & November (in the order in which they were seen), while a great deal of my time was devoted to countless hours of catching up with Breaking Bad (finally got to the last season).


Continue reading Months in review: October & November films